
Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Maccabees

19th of march: we took to the traffic and spent a deleterious 2 hours stuck in deadlock on the A1 in a pathetic search for the Cambridge Corn Exchange. With slight entertainment from passing cars and Apple Siri we sat hopeless in discontent that we would miss The Maccabees play there sold our gig in front of over clothed indi kids and topless,overweight, middle aged men.
After traffic begin to unlock we sped our way through the ring roads passing endless amounts of educated students and noodle bars until we parked and ran frantically through the door like it was the finish line to a hefty Marathon. We missed the support act; Le Shark, but the vibes from fellow music lovers was far from complementary. We shuffled our way to a comfy spot, and then it began...

Opening with hits from there upcoming album the Maccabees fell into an overload of cheers,screams and guitars that buckled every listeners knees as they bent down at the feet of Orlando and kissed the dirty floor of this sweat filled room. Flying elbows from eager moshers broke the presumption that you cannot dance to the soothing tones of songs like 'Child' and moshed there way through the disorganized perfection of their album. Hugo lifted and smiled as he took in the applause of his cult like revolt, feeding the audience enough to keep them wanting more. With echoing chants from the audience, the band say there good buy as the riot of there leaving builds into an own grown sea of hands waving effortlessly to the encore of 'Grew up at Midnight.' Then we reluctantly had to leave.

8/10 (Stand or cry when you see others having more fun than you.)

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