
Saturday 14 July 2012

A little something

"See you on the Flip Side"

The Gaslight Anthem-45

This song makes me want to ride a skateboard down to the beach, with a few ill-mannered friends; and spend the hole day drinking Budweiser, sitting on a well gratified bench, heckling residence as they pass by... being that ruthless teenager you always secretly wanted to be, no matter how socially condemnable they were.

Friday 13 July 2012

No hope for the Vaccines

The Vaccines are back (even though it felt like they never left) with another classic upbeat, rhythmically acclaimed sound to accompany the release of there new upcoming album. But unlike there many hits about coming of age, love and family, this track focuses on being bored?
So the theme is relatable than most, the song lasts over the 3 minute Vaccine average and would probably give 'If you wanna' a run for it's money, on being the biggest crowd pleaser at festivals. The only problem is that the song itself is just that little bit annoying, due to the repetitive nature of the cords and lyrics. 

The video for this track follows  story of a helpless boy stuck in his awkward teen years trying to express his love for an older woman. Set in a reminiscence black and white could imply that this is a strange sort of love letter from lead singer Justin Young to his youth, remember his embarrassing heart breaks in adolescence. 

  The Catchy song has proven to be successful already as it climbs its way up to the top 30 of the UK chart. 

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Grimshaw take over

Rather happy today to find that Nick Grimshaw will be taking over from Chris Moyles and the team on the morning breakfast show for radio1.

I  don't quite understand why it has taken them this long in the first place; it is quite an achievement of Moyles (who is clearly not a music fan) to stay in employment with the largest music radio station in the UK, with his max 6-song -a-show-playlist and his constant controversial, babble that seemed to dribble out of his boorish mouth every morning.
With his contract due to end with the BBC in 2014 I do wonder what he is going to do next, maybe reading lengthily chapters of poorly written books on bbc 3? Or even doing the late, late, late night show where he can talk his listeners to sleep or rekindle his bond with the trucker audience.
When the Moyles team is just a distance memory, we will have Grimmy to fill the void.
For all of you who have no idea who Nick Grimshaw is; he is a presenter on T4 as well as Radio1's late night show after Zane Lowe, were fans are urged to 'stay up with grimmy.' The nocturnal 27 year old is well known for his bubbly personality, his funny anecdotes, oh and just casually partying with the A-listers' cool crowd, hitting up Camden bars with the likes of  Peaches Geldof and Kate Moss.
From interviewing artists such as Beyonce to  Bieber we know he is going to do just fine with the morning slot. I just hope I'm not the only one who cant wait to wake up with Grimmy every morning.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Arctic Monkeys

The rifts that inspired the new Teddy boy look of Alex Tuner has indelibly turned into a fascination for old school rock and roll. 
Arctic Monkeys new Album ‘Suck it and see’ has evidently caste a heavy storm over the bedrooms of eager rock and rollers. The 2010 album ‘Humbug’ with epic battles of songs like ‘my propeller’
makes the direction to create a highly influenced American- rockabilly- Harley Davidson- road trip-sound track of this new album foreseeable. The over use of the word brick in track ‘Brick by brick’ should cause the  song to falter; but what it lacks in lyrics it makes up for in garish guitar riffs and razor blade drum solos. 'Suck it and see' is the incriminating end in every teenage rebellion; the album sets aside every previous work from the Arctic Monkeys, and if they carry on making albums like this the cultural revolt will infiltrate social order and make the light weight, mind-numbing 9-5 workers remember the electrifying life they once had.


Sunday 10 June 2012

Bombay bicycle club

From seeing them live earlier this year I was more than thrilled to here the new release of the video for their latest single 'How can you swallow so much sleep.'

 The song itself is powered on dreamy chimes and bubbling guitar rifts; the enchanting melody takes us past the lullaby and into a childhood dream world, leaving the faint echo of repetitive lyrics astray in the distance as we follow a story line of a dreaming boy defining gravity, jumping planets and sawing through the universe.
The amazing filmmaker, Anna Ginsburg created this stop-start motion film that provides a beautiful delusion to a already brilliant track.

The film took over 4 months of hard work and persistence to make; showing that a true piece of art is one that is worth working for.

The Track is from the bands latest album 'A different kind of fix.' Which is worth having in your record collection. 

Friday 23 March 2012

Florence and the Machine Live Nottingham

We all hopped into Martha the white micra to travel cross country to witness the glorious Florence Welsh at Nottingham Trent arena. Buzzing off £4 a pint Carlsberg we elbowed our way through the eager crowd and found a spot near the front.

Supporting were The Horrors, the 5 gothic lads; filled with endless amount of swag, opened the night lead by singer Faris Badwan with tracks from their latest album skying.

Florence and the Machine put on a theatrical storm as she screams her way through a 2 hour set. The red haired vixen appears in what can only be described as a lace cat suit hugged by a studded medieval cape stunning her audience with pretty Melody's about flesh, blood and distilled love.

The gothic undertones spread a hypnotic energy leaving her fans in owe as she forces that undefined voice out of her skinny frame, we were all singing along with tracts from her latest album but everyone was waiting for that one song 'dog days are over' that blew the arena open and got the crowd jumping. 

She is no doubt incredible live and I cant wait to see Flo at Bestival, just as the crowd is getting lary and the sun is setting where her audience are intoxicated, dressed head to toe in Indian fancy dress, sounds perfect.

Well apart form the gig all I can say is that the ride home was quite thrilling, from my crazy, hooligan  friend stealing  a dropped merch T-shirt (american football style) from the damp cobbles of Nottingham streets, to us  running for our lives to the car, where we found a scream mask chilling in the neighbours  car over the head rest, with a yellow high-vise vest around the seat. We literally pooped.
6/10  (sit, not worth standing for) (p.s. lonely scream masks arn't funny) 

Tuesday 20 March 2012

The Maccabees

19th of march: we took to the traffic and spent a deleterious 2 hours stuck in deadlock on the A1 in a pathetic search for the Cambridge Corn Exchange. With slight entertainment from passing cars and Apple Siri we sat hopeless in discontent that we would miss The Maccabees play there sold our gig in front of over clothed indi kids and topless,overweight, middle aged men.
After traffic begin to unlock we sped our way through the ring roads passing endless amounts of educated students and noodle bars until we parked and ran frantically through the door like it was the finish line to a hefty Marathon. We missed the support act; Le Shark, but the vibes from fellow music lovers was far from complementary. We shuffled our way to a comfy spot, and then it began...

Opening with hits from there upcoming album the Maccabees fell into an overload of cheers,screams and guitars that buckled every listeners knees as they bent down at the feet of Orlando and kissed the dirty floor of this sweat filled room. Flying elbows from eager moshers broke the presumption that you cannot dance to the soothing tones of songs like 'Child' and moshed there way through the disorganized perfection of their album. Hugo lifted and smiled as he took in the applause of his cult like revolt, feeding the audience enough to keep them wanting more. With echoing chants from the audience, the band say there good buy as the riot of there leaving builds into an own grown sea of hands waving effortlessly to the encore of 'Grew up at Midnight.' Then we reluctantly had to leave.

8/10 (Stand or cry when you see others having more fun than you.)